The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->License: user profile vs. computer

1 stars
License: user profile vs. computer

Hi Ulli,

we installed the school license of Cinderella in our computer lab. Now we experience the problem that the license is only installed in the admin's user profile. Other users on the same computer only have the evaluation license.

Is it possible to install the school license for all users on a computer?

Best regards,


on: Thu 17 of Jan, 2008 [20:39 UTC] reads: 121553

Posted messages

author message
1 stars
Re: License: user profile vs. computer
on: Fri 18 of Jan, 2008 [20:40 UTC]
Thank you very much! I'll try that... biggrin

author message
Aw: License: user profile vs. computer
on: Fri 18 of Jan, 2008 [10:17 UTC]

yes, this is easily possible. The user's license (and the other preferences as well) is stored in a file called On startup, Cinderella looks for the files

  • and

in the installation folder. The first of these is a default file that is installed by the installer (and may be changed with updates, so you should not change it). The second one does not exists usually, but you can copy a user preferences file to that location and rename it. In that case, assuming that all computers in your network use the same Cinderella installation, the user's license will be used by all machines.

All the best,


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