The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Activation Key

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Activation Key

Dear Dr Kortnkamp

Thank you for your response directing me to open the key in Cinderella. It does not work. My activation key is somehow locked in Acrobat Reader. Could you please resend the activation key with detailed instructions how to activate the program.

Ana Hitri, Ph.D.

on: Mon 28 of Jul, 2008 [14:40 UTC] reads: 111840

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Aw: Activation Key
on: Mon 28 of Jul, 2008 [14:51 UTC]
I resent the license key together with instructions. But maybe the following suffices: Start Cinderella, use File/Open from the menu and then choose the license.cdy file to open. Quit Cinderella and the license should work.


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