The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->How to have a script available in all new constructions?

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How to have a script available in all new constructions?

(I seem to remember this was answered before ... but can't find it ... maybe I'm imagining things though ...)

I'd like to have some Cindyscript available automatically in all new constructions. I suppose one easy way is to develop a "template" construction and copy it each time I want to start a new construction.

But maybe there is a way through a config file setting to specify this?

By the way, this goes back to a point I raised earlier (earlier == a couple of years ago). I would REALLY like an import/export scheme for Cindyscript that used ASCII (or UTF8) rather than binary encoded files. Because: I would REALLY like to be able to edit Cindyscript in my usual text editor rather than the script window. I know there are nice syntax features in the Cindyscript window that took you effort to write and I wouldn't be able to take advantage of them, but ... that's ok with me!

Thanks! — David

(BTW, here's a third topic for this one post: What's up with all the Python stuff installed with Cinderella 2.1? (I've been meaning to ask this for awhile.) Can we write Cindyscript extensions in Python????? That would be terrific! Documentation, even in a very preliminary state, would be much appreciated!)

on: Thu 26 of Feb, 2009 [22:24 UTC] reads: 115769

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Aw: How to have a script available in all new constructions?
on: Fri 13 of Mar, 2009 [20:58 UTC]

your suggestion to use a template file is indeed the best solution for the "have a Cindyscript available automatically" problem. Another way would be to use the load()-mechanism to load a script from a file.

Actually this also answers your second question, doesn't it?

As for python: yes, you can, but we don't have any documentation... I hope to be able to add this during this month.


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