The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Divide

2 stars

New to Cindy so hope this isn't a dumb question (still figuring out all the features).
Suppose I have a circle or a line segment, is there a quick and easy way to divide it into a given number of segments?

on: Fri 05 of Jun, 2009 [06:18 UTC] reads: 102907

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Aw: Divide
on: Fri 05 of Jun, 2009 [13:58 UTC]

no, that's not a dumb question. There are lots of ways to achieve what you want to do (using helper constructions, transformations, scripting), but there is no way that I'd call "easy". I will file an enhancement request for that, could make sense to offer this in the future.


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