The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Development of Cinderella Project

3 stars
Development of Cinderella Project

Hi all,
i wish to known if Cinderella development is active.
I see the web full of geogebra stuff and not so much on Cinderella.
The official forum (this!) has very low traffic :-)
And i love Cinderella.

Hey developer, are you writing a wonderful new version of Cinderella?



p.s. sorry for poor english...i'm italian.

on: Tue 29 of May, 2012 [13:53 UTC] reads: 127982

Posted messages

author message
Re: Development of Cinderella Project
on: Tue 29 of May, 2012 [13:58 UTC]
Dear Cameyo,

yes, we are still developing Cinderella... although the rest of the web seems to prefer some other software. But there are users like you (and ourselves) who prefer Cindy, so we continue to provide "DGS for the rest of us".

All the best,

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3 stars
Re: Re: Development of Cinderella Project
on: Tue 29 of May, 2012 [14:51 UTC]
Thanks for the very fast answer !!!

I think one problem is the german language: the most useful infos (other than book) on cinderella are in German.
Other problem is that almost all the italian users of cinderella work at University (a somewhat closed place who don't share a lot).
English is the world standard. But, despite this, i'll write some tutorial in Italian...

I'll post the result always.

Have a nice day.


p.s. thanks again for this wonderful program.

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