The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Setting default plot color->Re: Setting default plot color

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Re: Setting default plot color

I can reply to my own post. My pupils discovered by themselves that you can add a color command to the formula, without using the plot()-command (which they don't know about) explicitly. What I mean is that activating the [f(x)]-tool, typing

and closing the dialogbox with the [Plot]-button results in a red parabola being plotted. That is fine for me. I just wanted to avoid having to explain the subtle differences between the [Plot]-button and the [Evaluate]-button.

I still don't know if it is possible to change the default plotcolour (which is blue) permanently.

on: Wed 15 of Nov, 2006 [22:05 UTC] reads: 6718

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