The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Low priority feature request: construct tangents/orthogonals at a point->Re: Low priority feature request: construct tangents/orthogonals at a point

3 stars
Re: Low priority feature request: construct tangents/orthogonals at a point


You can construct the tangent to a conic already using the "Define the Polar Line of a Point" button. The polar line of a point on a conic is the tangent line, so just put point on the conic, select the tool, and click the conic and the point. It's only one extra step then to construct the normal.


> This is a feature request: I'd like to be able to use the perpendicular tool to construct the line orthogonal to a conic (not just a line), and also the parallel tool to construct the line tangent to a conic. It is a low priority request because I doubt it would find much use - however, I did run into a situation where it would have been convenient.

on: Fri 22 of Jan, 2010 [15:34 UTC] reads: 6146

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