The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Unable to launch Cinderella on Mac OS X->Aw: Re: Aw: Unable to launch Cinderella on Mac OS X

Aw: Re: Aw: Unable to launch Cinderella on Mac OS X


the bug report on versiontracker is different, the error message is that jdns cannot be found, and this was fixed indeed.

Your problem could be caused by having a different version of log4j on the machine. Do you have any other Java based software installed on the Powerbook or the G5 that is not installed on the eMac? Maybe some application that uses Apache Tomcat?

It might be the case that there is an alternate version of log4j in the /System/Library/Java/Extensions folder. Can you compare the contents of that folder on the different machines? Here is a listing of the folder on my machine:

PacMook-Bro:/System/Library/Java/Extensions ulli$ ls
CoreAudio.jar j3dcore.jar libJ3DUtils.jnilib
MRJToolkit.jar j3dutils.jar libmlib_jai.jnilib
QTJSupport.jar jai_codec.jar mlibwrapper_jai.jar jai_core.jar vecmath.jar
dns_sd.jar libJ3D.jnilib
j3daudio.jar libJ3DAudio.jnilib


on: Mon 25 of Sep, 2006 [09:12 UTC] reads: 11285

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