The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Default Settings

3 stars
Default Settings

Is it possible to change the default settings? For example, when I use Cinderella on a smart-board my students have trouble seeing with the gray background so I change it to white. Is there a way to save that so that each time I open Cinderella the background is white? I'd also like to change the highlight, & selection colors, and I'd like to make the default point size smaller. Thanks so much!

on: Fri 09 of May, 2008 [19:44 UTC] reads: 110415

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Aw: Default Settings
on: Fri 09 of May, 2008 [19:53 UTC]

yes - this is (partly) possible. You have to check the "save defaults" setting in the Inspector. This should save the defaults you set in the inspector. However, I don't remember whether this also remembers the view background color. If it does not, you can do it directly by adding the line


to your file (or, if you want to have the change for all users in the network).

The corresponding keys for highlight and selection color are

cinderella.defaults.selectionColor and

The point size is handled using the "save default" mechanism. Just change the default point size in the inspector and make sure you checked "save defaults".



author message
3 stars
Re: Aw: Default Settings
on: Fri 09 of May, 2008 [20:53 UTC]
Thanks very much. That worked perfectly!

> glancya,
> yes - this is (partly) possible. You have to check the "save defaults" setting in the Inspector. This should save the defaults you set in the inspector. However, I don't remember whether this also remembers the view background color. If it does not, you can do it directly by adding the line
> cinderella.defaults.background=255,255,255
> to your file (or, if you want to have the change for all users in the network).
> The corresponding keys for highlight and selection color are
> cinderella.defaults.selectionColor and
> cinderella.defaults.highlightColor
> The point size is handled using the "save default" mechanism. Just change the default point size in the inspector and make sure you checked "save defaults".
> HTH,
> Ulli

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